For Support

Security Advisory: Safeguard Your Seed Phrase!
Your seed phrase is the key to your cryptocurrency assets. Treat it with utmost confidentiality and never disclose it to anyone, not even to team members or strangers.
While RuneWizard offers valuable features, it comes with inherent risks as admins lack special keys and cannot assist in fund recovery for improperly sent transactions. However, we provide resources to address potential issues. Here's what to do if you encounter problems:

Initial Steps:

  1. Refresh the page.
  1. Clear your browser's cache.
  1. Restart your device.
If the issue persists, follow these additional steps tailored to our product:

Product-Specific Steps:

  1. Retry your transaction with a higher gas fee.
  1. Uninstall and reinstall your wallet (keep your seed phrase handy!).

Contact for Support:

For further assistance or inquiries, reach out to us through Telegram Community.

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